Summer Faith Adventure – Day 5

Summer Faith Adventure: Day 5

Download activities

Even though it’s the final day of Summer Faith Adventure, remember, you can use the buttons at the bottom to go back to previous activity pages if you missed anything or just want to do it again!

Everything will be available online for several weeks, so you can go back and check recipes and game rules, watch the videos, and pray with us for a little while longer.

If you would like mementos of the week, such as our chef hats, or would like to get the CDs or download the prayers, you can do that, too.

Additionally, we have an entire store of booksgames, and other resources to help you grow in your Catholic faith!

Have fun today and thank you for supporting our family’s ministry!

Welcome to Day 5 of Summer Faith Adventure
The Queen Mother
Cupples Saint Craft
“Saint Tag” Game
Anointing of the Sick
Trail Mix Snack
Angelus & Rosary Decades. Get your own copy to keep; available on CD and MP3 Download.
Glory Stories, Saint Peter, episode 5. Get your own copy to keep; available on CD and MP3 Download.

Take the Summer Faith Adventure Quiz

Bronze quiz
For our littlest Adventurers.
Not as difficult as the gold quiz but still a good challenge.
Our hardest quiz. Intended for the older Adventurers.

Summer Faith Adventure daily page links

Holy Heores Adventure Guides

Summer Faith Adventure
JUNE 14-18

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Summer Faith Adventure
JUNE 21-25

Enter your email address to receive the FREE Summer Faith Adventure activies for the week of June 21-25.

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Summer Faith Adventure
JULY 19-23

Enter your email address to receive the FREE Summer Faith Adventure activies for the week of July 19-23.

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