The Free Catholic “backyard” VBS!
SUMMER FAITH ADVENTURE is a FREE weeklong program of daily emails that include videos, games, activities, coloring pages, and fun recipes!
Summer Faith Adventure will be back in summer of 2024. Enter your email address below and select the date(s) you would like to receive the Summer Faith Adventure activity emails.
Join Holy Heroes throughout the year in these other free programs. Sign up for each today!
Learn more about Summer Faith Adventure

Looking for a 100% Catholic Vacation Bible School that you can run in your own back yard?
…that’s FREE?
…and easy so your older kids can run it for your younger ones?
Well, here it is: Holy Heroes Summer Faith Adventure — The New Kingdom of David!
Learn the Catholic Faith this summer — and have a blast!
Here’s what your children learn in Holy Heroes Summer Faith Adventure:
- The Old Testament Kingdom of David — how it helps us understand the “New Kingdom of David” which Jesus rules over today!
- The Sacraments — “then” (when they were instituted by Jesus) and “now” (when we celebrate them in the Church)!
- The roles Jesus gives to different people in His Kingdom — His Blessed Mother, the saints in Heaven, the Pope, bishops and priests, me and you!
- How we got the Bible — who wrote it, who preserved it, and how we use it in the Church!
- How to pray the rosary — and meditate on the Scripture associated with each mystery!
- Great daily prayers — for children of all ages to pray in the home!
- Daily online quizzes — to see what you’ve learned at 3 levels of difficulty:
- bronze-level for the youngest ones,
- silver-level for the fast-learners, and
- gold-level to challenge even the oldest.
And lots, lots more — joyful catechesis for children of all ages!
You can access Summer Faith Adventure at any time using the links below. Use one link each day for a week. Or you can spread out the activities for the whole summer. It’s up to you to use it in whatever way works best with your family’s schedule.
Information for Summer Faith Adventure leaders
Although everything is available free on the daily webpages, you may find it easier for your family to have printable book versions of the activity sheets. You can find them along with other items to enhance your home VBS here.
Although the crafts and snacks we show you are largely composed of things you probably already have in your home, click here to download a complete list of the ingredients for the entire week’s snacks and what you need for all the crafts, so you can stock up in advance, if necessary.
We hope you enjoy these activities! Please spread the word to others who might benefit from our at-home Catholic faith camp, and please give us your feedback.
May God richly bless you and yours,
Virginia, Clara, Margaret, Trey, Anna, Therese, Lillian and Caroline Your Summer Faith Adventure Guides